
Our Hut, natural and cosy…



The “Hut”, overlooking Brienz, is something very special. On entering it, you are transferred into another world; one which has nothing in common with everyday urban life. A rocking hourse greets you at the entrance; old photos, dolls and crotchet-work awake childhood memories. The eye immediately falls on a large comfortable bed which invites you to snuggle down at night and, during the day, you can relax on the terrace looking down on the roofs of Brienz and Switzerland’s cleanest lake. Should you wish to flee the tranquillity for a few hours, you can join the local people and the other tourists wandering through the interesting village.After your first breakfast, you’ll understand why guests return again and again. They cannot resist the inviting smell of freshly baking, homemade bread. (Annabelle, Nov. 1999, BS)


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